Oh, the stress of it all!!!

I have grey hairs. I have at least 25 grey hairs. AND I'M ONLY 28!!!
My mother thinks this is perfectly acceptable, but to be honest, I think she is looking for a grey haired companion in me. She was in her early 50's when she got her first grey hairs, and even now, in her mid 50's, just has a slight "salt and pepper" look.

Although I had some grey hairs before my diagnosis in October, I'm blaming MS on the increase of them. During my lumbar puncture in hospital, my boyfriend held me tight to comfort me. Later that night on the phone, he told me that he spent the whole time looking at my grey hairs! The cheek of him!!!
I used to blame my stressful job on the 3 or 4 grey hairs I had, but since my diagnosis, they have multiplied. Granted, I am getting older, but to gain 20+ grey hairs in four months is unacceptable! I blame the stress that Multiple Sclerosis brought to my life.

I have always wanted the stone white hair that my grandmother had. I really loved Tyne Daly's hair when she kept it in a long plait as her character, Maxine in Judging Amy (I loved that show!).  I would have preferred to wait a while though. At this rate, I'll be totally grey by the time I hit 50!

I have dreadlocks now, and would love (in time) to have hair like this lady.


  1. A lady who did nothing less than win the Nobel Prize. Not a bad reward for a few grey hairs. Well, actually, she did a few more things than sprout grey hair to win that, but still.


  2. I totally feel your pain - I started noticing more and more gray hairs since my diagnosis (and I am 27)!!! I had not thought about blaming MS until now - brilliant idea! I always thought it must be the stress of my job or buying a house or a million other things, but now that I think about it, I really had never noticed a gray hair until after my diagnosis. And my mom, now in her 60s, barely has any gray hairs. Thanks to this post, I am now blaming all gray hairs on MS!

  3. Judy- I know. I'm a fan of Ms Morrison... and there is no better woman to illustrate my point of "grown old gracefully" than her.

    And CSA- Wahoo, another MS blamer. I really believe if we think enough about it, we can blame everything on it! It's a good one to get out of making the tea. When I'm being lazy, I bully my boyfriend into doing things for me by starting every sentence with "buuuuuuut I have MS..."!!! It will get old at some point but we're only 4 months in, it's still a novelty

  4. Lydia, You are too funny... I had to laugh when I read this post... I am 41 now - as of this past Sunday (the 13th), and the only thing I blame my gray hair on STILL is my kids!!! However, it does seem that I HAVE gotten gray-er since being diagnosed in October 2008... BUT, I still say it is the Kids, and now the grandson who give me the most of the gray... I am growing old gracefully though... I have chosen NOT to color my hair, and show off the gray... Hell, I did come by them honestly... Besides, what is the point in coloring??? With the MS therapy, I have found the color either doesn't take, doesn't last OR turns your hair a color it isn't supposed to be... I tried to cover the gray, but the coloring (which was supposed to be brown like my normal hair coloring) turned the gray an orange-ish red...

    I know it is nice to have people help out, but don't over do it by saying "But I have MS..." You can't let this beat you... Sure we have a horrible disease that is very debilitating, BUT you have to push yourself to stay healthy and active for as long as you can... My Grandfather died from complications due to MS... I will BE DAMNED if that happens to me... I am going to fight and be as independent as long as I possibly can... It is part of the human condition this happens - it sucks I know... But, It could be a lot worse!!! MS isn't the end of the world or the end of our lives, we just have to figure out what is important and re-organize our priorities... You are one of the lucky ones at this point - you can still work... Where as I am not able to any longer... I am not even supposed to drive because the MS has affected my hands so badly... I had to drop out of college, and I was 7 classes from the completion of my bachelor's degree in psychology... However, re-organizing my priorities, that was something I had to give up... I wasn't able to focus on class anymore... But, When life throws me a curve ball that turns out being a bushel of lemons, I turn it into lemonade to share with all my friends... I will take the knowledge I have and use it to help others... I may not be able to work, but I am still able to make jewelry... I CAN, I CAN, I CAN... Always think positive sweetie!!! Take it from this old lady...

    Hugs <3

  5. Oh, PS.... We are not disabled - just physically challenged.... What is a challenge?? What is disabled?? See what I mean by challenged??? What would you rather be??? Disabled or challenged??? Which is a more positive statement?? I am disabled? or I am physically challenged??? Yeah, that's what I thought... I am NOT disabled, I am physically CHALLENGED... LOL... Some days it is a challenge just to get out of bed or to walk down the stairs... But I face that challenge with a smile on my face and a prayer to God to give me the strength I need in my heart... How about you???

  6. I've noticed more gray too. Hmmmm never thought of the MS factor. Good one!

  7. Oh that's it, Nicole! You have to find the positives :)
