I'm back!

Hi friends! I have been a bad blogger, but I'm back!!

I had no internet which made blogging impossible, but a Fairy Godbrother set me up with wi-fi so I intend on updating more regularly.

Lots has changed in the last year and a half. Although I have had no "relapse", per se, I have gotten a few more symptoms. The main one being foot drop in my right foot. I am intending a physiotherapist, who has said that my foot is fatigued! It is strange, as it works perfectly fine until I walk or drive for extended periods of time; pottering around my home is no problem but overuse of my foot makes it lazy. It's like my toes prefer being on the ground, no matter how hard I try to lift it! I have a dictus splint, which hooks onto laced up shoes to hold my foot in place. It helps, but it pinches quite a bit when I walk. I have started wearing it upside down, which helps a bit, but it still rubs against my skin a bit. I'm still experimenting with what works for me, but that seems to be the name of this MS game!

Anyway, I'm glad to be back, and I hope to chat with you all more regularly now :)