For the first time since my diagnosis, I feel normal! I'm saying this after spending the last few days in my jammies, struggling to shower and walk around. It started as a cold but has turned into a chest infection that is threatening to burst my tonsils open! I can't stop coughing, and it hurts SO much!
But this is great. Why? Because I'm so caught up in being miserable with my infection that MS is barely getting a second thought.
I am SUCH a baby when I'm sick. All of my family or friends could back me up, citing the many phone calls they get from me sniffling down the phone, encouraging them to say "poor Lydia", in a way that would make you think I was a four year old!
I can't say that I "feel" the MS in my system on a general day, but I've always felt different to how I was before my diagnosis. The past four days have been a welcomed respite from that "different" feeling. I'm sniffly, have a temperature and can't cough without wincing, but you know what? It's a brilliant feeling :)
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