Accepting MS

It's been four months since my first symptom, and I have realised that a lot of my emotional "stuff" stems from my difficulty in accepting that I am now someone who suffers with a disease.
I like to be organised, I like to be in control, and I'm not a big fan of change.
Multiple Sclerosis has taken this away from me, and I have finally realised that I need to stop fighting against this and accept that my life will now be different due to MS.
Right now, my life is "different bad", but soon enough, when my medication kicks in, my life will just be different. I will have to take better care of myself, not work so hard and sleep more. I will also have to learn to expect the unexpected, which is a challenge for anyone- more so for a control freak like myself :)

During  a conversation with my dad the other night, I realised that I had personally told only a handful of people about my diagnosis. This was partially because I was ignorant to MS and what it means, and partially because I did not want to accept as part of my life.

So this is it, I am taking control of myself and the fact that Multiple Sclerosis. I have started this blog, and I am going to commit myself to not hiding it anymore.


1 comment:

  1. Lydia,Just found your blog today.I didn't realise you had set it up.I think it is a fantastic idea.So interesting to follow as well.I wish you all the best with it.You probably know already but my Dad had MS for years and years.He lived an amazing long healthy and inspirational life and has a beautiful wife and 5 lovely(haha saying that about myself!)children.So yes hope is a great word to focus on.the blog is fantastic so far and I shall be an avid follower,as MS is a topic close to my heart.I hope your cold goes away soon:) take care xx Ellen
